Incorporating fashion in your life can be quite costly. Especially nowadays, trends just keep on popping out from everywhere like wild mushrooms. When one trend sprouts, another dies, thus, what you bought three months ago may already be unfashionable. That's how quickly your fashion assets become expenses.
Almost everyone is fashion-conscious, even those who "don't really care about fashion" have a fashion statement. Fashion trends, like culture, differ from one another, and so making it hard for a specific one to stand out.
One thing that is a common problem of people, particularly women, is waking up and having trouble choosing what to wear. They would say that they have nothing to put on when in fact, their closet overflows with different types of clothing and accessories. But worry no more because with the use of your creativity, your old clothes may turn into a new one.
Have you ever thought about wearing something out of recycled materials? It might seem a bit silly and you may think it is cheap, but in reality, this can be beneficial both to you and your environment. Here are some things that you can make out of your old fashion wears:
- Statement t-shirts: Tees with big, bold letters printed on it never really gets old. One thing you can do with your old t-shirt is to print your favorite statement on it.
- Long to short: Some of your jeans might already wear out especially at the bottom part. What you can do is cut to turn it into shorts. From there, you can do some designs to make it fashionable again.
- Scarf to bag: A big scarf can be folded in to shape and all you have to do is sew the sides. Make handles out of another scarf or you can use long beaded necklaces to use it as the bag strap. Add some cute patches and you have a new bag.
- Tweak your flip flops: Give your plain, old flip flops a new look by sticking some colorful beads and buttons on it.
- Accessorize with paper: Old magazines can be used in making accessories. Just cut, roll, put them in a string and tie the knot.